Tuesday, January 15, 2008

recipe fiasco..

I originally sent this as an email to a friend yesterday, and I wanted to talk about it here on my blog..so I figured..why reinvent the wheel..

ok so today is my first day on core. last night i cooked a bunch of chicken using internet recipes and i tried this recipe off that website i sent you and it turned out to be HORRIBLE. Lime Garlic chicken - bleeckh. What was I thinking, especially when i cooked it in a crock pot - what a waste. But Buddy seems to like it, so I will save it for him. I tried another recipe - creamy chicken soup. It is OK.. I will have to keep trying. I am going to make some chicken salad, but I can't use my original recipe which is really good. I am using fatfree, no sugar ingredients. I will keep you posted on that. I am debating working out today.. we will see.

(end of email).. Oh and for those who are wondering who Buddy is..he is my bestest friend - see below...

Isn't he cute?

1 comment:

The Land of Rozz said...

Buddy is darling! I have a few recipes that I used back when I was on WW if you want them. I don't know if they fit into WW's Core program.