Saturday, January 5, 2008


So its a new year and I wanted to identity my resolutions/goals/year mission statements (whatever you want to call them) for 2008. I think it was my pastor that said that if you don't have a goal you will be sure to reach it. So here they are...

personal mission statement
  • live each day in a way pleasing to God
  • arrive 15 minutes early to all appointments
  • workout 2-3x a week
  • stay on track with Weight Watchers

financial mission statement
  • tithe consistently
  • identify a Tweedy, Browne Co. LLC value fund to invest in and make consistent contribution - (min 1 share every other month)
  • rebuild nest egg of 2 month expenses by the end of the year.
  • keep existing car maintained and running

relationship mission statement
  • choose and maintain healthy relationships
  • give more than I receive
  • listen more than I talk


The Land of Rozz said...

Your goals are simple, to the point, and organized. I can tell you really put some thought into these. 2008 is going to be a great year!

Mrs Debs said...

Gosh girl - I only have one goal at the moment and thats trying to be a good disciple and that consists of all sorts, that all I can manage right now !!!!