Monday, November 26, 2007

another day..just some thoughts

I am off today, I took some time to get my new NC drivers license, since I am from out of town. I was told that it would be hectic and to get there early, however, i got there @ around 10am. There weren't many people there and I was able to get what I needed to get done with minor incident.

So... I started WW this weekend. I am going to post some pics eventually. I would like to show my natural progression of weight loss. Although today I did heat up a mini (well not so mini) pie that was meant to be for 4 and I ate soon to be the whole thing.. I ate it for breakfast lunch and dinner and nothing else. Why did that happen? I let my guard down. I am learning that in order to be successful at weight loss, permanently, it is has to stay at the forefront of you mind. Else you will go back into your old habits.

Part of me thinks that being overweight is a comfort for me. I can hide behind it, it feels safe and comfortable, it's what I have always known. However am now working getting out of my comfort zone - healthy eating, moderate exercise, healthy lifestyle.

Tonight is a bowling night. i am looking forward to it.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

a new place to blog

I have a myspace account where I blog, but it is so public and I wanted to be anonymous, but then I changed my mind. So its just another place for my musings, thoughts, feelings, to be displayed. Just in case I get sick of myspace. :D. I have so many things to talk about, so many things going on in my life, I wanted to chronicle them. I just wanted to get the ball rolling. I am on my way out to go bowling. -IL