Saturday, August 30, 2008


I hate it when I have the I am disconnected from God...

When I got back from the trip, i have to say, I felt a little disconnected from my people here in NC. I have decided to work on that and I have made an effort to get past what I feel like doing. I invited some people I haven't seen in a while over for Labor Day. I know I will have a blast, so I am looking forward to it.

I know that when I feel a strong desire just to be by myself is the time when I most need to be purposeful about reaching out to people.

Back to feeling disconnected from God...The problem the usually holds me back from making progress on that front is a feeling of condemnation because I let this happen (again). But God is merciful and again its all about being purposeful to rectify the situation, so I will work on that. OK i feel better so I can definitely hit the hay now..

Buddy's sick...

I really wanted to go out tonight and do something, but frankly I should stay home for a host of reasons. Primary one is that Buddy is very ill and I need to keep my eye on him at night.

I was so devastated yesterday when he had some type of seizure on his morning walk. It was pretty scarry, he has been doing this cough, hack, gag thing, but I thought it was because he was licking his fur and had some type of furl ball (like a cat).

Perhaps this is too much detail (so stop reading if you like) , first the night before last, he was gagging and carrying on for a really long time. It was thunder and lightening outside, which usually makes him tremble, but instead really aggravated his condition. The next morning on our walk, about 1 house down from mine, he started the cough, hack gag thing and then he stopped walking, started shaking uncontrollable, went completely limp, emptied out his bladder right there and wouldn't move. I picked him up and carried him back to the house and he came too..

I sat outside on my steps for about 5 minutes trying to calm him down and figure out what to do. I took him to the animal hospital and the vet said that he has some type of allergy, but is not 100% sure what caused the seizure, but it is due to oxygen not flowing to his brain. I think it must be all the gagging. He is on some medicine now, steriods and antibiotics.. It is funny how the same stuff that cleared my skin outbreak can also help buddy with this..well actually there are both supposedly allergies so i suppose it makes sense.

Anyway again on his walk last night 5 minutes in, he collapsed and just went to the bathroom right there... BUT this morning he got half of his walk in then i had to carry him back to the house..all 20 lbs.. but he seems to be doing better, so for that i am grateful to God

My mother who thinks a dog is good for my singleness, suggested that I get another dog, Buddy is pretty old, 12 or 13 but I am now hopeful that he will get better. I am debating the 2nd dog thing.. who knows.

OK I guess I will go to bed.. Oh.. tomorrow I am back to Weight Watchers..ugh..the post cruise weigh in...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I am back from my was FANTASTIC! So much to blog about.. so little time. Unfort, I am tired, so maybe tomorrow.. or this weekend..

(this and all subsequent pics i post about my vacation will be from my (or my sister's) camera.

Friday, August 15, 2008

I found it!

For those of you who were waiting with bated breathe about my missing camera (I know I sure was..)


I went to a concert some months ago and apparently i put it in the bag with my foldup chair..good job!

Ok now I am ready to go on vacation!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Last post for the night..

OK last post for the night...Yesterday a wonderful thing happened to me, a coworker of mine (who is not saved) sent another coworker to me because they were looking for a church..

I was really touched and it made me think about how important it is to be true to the Jesus inside of you. I must admit I don't always represent him so well, but it is nice the people around me can see that and maybe it might change there lives too.

I was talking with the Lord the other day about witnessing and introducing people to Christ. I just don't feel like I have been doing that, but I also have to remember that it is not about me being able to check off a box.. lead someone to Christ...(check)...its about the kingdom. Representing God showing them his love so that they want some of that themselves.

Now I invite most people that I start getting to know, that don't have a church home, or don't know Christ, to my church..that's because I think it is the best church on earth...for real!
but I know its not for everyone.. ANYWAY.. I got off on a tangent..I was saying that I was really excited to be representing my Lord and Savior!

Some Old posts - I never published..

I am cleaning up my posts and i found this one and this one that I never posted..

my camera...m.i.a.

I really have to find my camera.. I have been using my cell phone which I might add has been taking some great pictures, but I miss my camera :( .. I know it is around here somewhere.. I really don't want to tear my house apart looking for it.. (sigh) the insanity of it all is that i keep looking in the EXACT same places thinking is going to magically materialize!


I am going to have to ask God to bring it to my remembrance what I did with it.

I wanted to take pics of the jewelery I have made so far..but with my actually camera..

The search is on..

Thats all i wanted to say!

Oh wait one more thing..i just went through the process of labeling some of my blogs, I decide any blog where I ranted and raved about my feelings struggles, successes, etc I am labeling "Victorious Living" because that is what I am about doing..