Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday Fill-In..and on FRIDAY!!

Friday fill-in finally done on Friday..its a miracle!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins #60

1. Being in a new city and meeting new people is the best thing about traveling.

2. I love a good warm blanket and cup of hot cocoa when I'm cold.

3. I often use instrumental "nature sounds" music to help me go to sleep.

4. I'm reading "Split Ends" by Kristin Billerback (it's Christian fiction) right now; I am completely sucked into it.

5. Death is something I dislike talking about.

6. When I visited London last year I most looked forward to seeing my brother and his family.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to resting when I get back from working out at the gym, tomorrow my plans include walking a 5k with Julie, Jr. Kidz Church, and maybe some Salsa lessons??? that activity is open for debate and Sunday, I want to have a great time with Carla who is going to visit my church - yaaayyy, then we are having brunch..oh I also want to have fun at the batting cages in the afternoon!

1 comment:

The Land of Rozz said...

Sounds like a fun weekend!