Monday, September 15, 2008

This weekend...

I don't even know what to consider this weekend. I don't want to call it a complete waste, because I did get something accomplished, but for the most part I held myself hostage in my house.

Friday contained all manner of drama with driving to SC for my mom's house closing, which I did with power of attorney, there was all sorts of driving and checking and questioning and signing. If you have ever closed on a house before you understand how much you have to sign and initial, well imagine that every time you had to sign your name instead you had to write 3 full sentences related to power of attorney and each initial instead fo being something like "JD" was like "JD by AD AIF" x3.

Anyway, the closing started a little late, after 4:30 and ran until about 7ish. (sigh) i was pretty frustrated by that time, i had to mail my parents the paperwork at office depot, make keys for the house at home depot, then there was getting gas...

Could you beleive i had to get interviewed by a "gas bouncer" at the services station in SC before they would let me pull into the gas station. Since i wanted premium they let me in.. that aggrevated me more..

Then there was the fact that 20 minutes later i am putting the key in the door and Oh! they gave me the WRONG keys.. that I spent 30 minutes in home depot waiting to get them copied...

By this time I was beyond hot.. so I left NC at 11 in the morning, and I returned to my house at midnight. (sigh).

So I stayed home the entire weekend. I have not left my subdivision since I got back here Friday. What was I doing? sleeping, watching tv, cleaning, and doing laundry, and sleeping again.

My friend blogged about Sunday being the loneliest day for single people, she didn't feel that way, but I am not in agreement, unfortuneatley. I had plenty of opportunity and things that I could have done to get out of this house, but I felt kind of trapped inside. I did walk Buddy 2x a day with no problem, but this pattern of behavior is a little concerning, so I am going to investigate.

Anyway, I am out of the house tomorrow to go to work, then I am going to personal training, so that is good at least. to bed.. as if I am not well rested...


The Land of Rozz said...

What I didn't say in my blog is that Saturday night is my lonely night. ;)

The Land of Rozz said...

RYN: I think everyone thought I was joking. :) Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon

Great news about your parent's house - sounds like it was a crazy day for you !!!!!!

Anyway if my house was like yours I'd held hostage in it too........

Take Care