Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Ok so I have been doing a lot of talking about Buddy, but I am happy to report that he seems to be doing better. He has the beginnings of congestive heart failure, but he is on some new medication that should slow down the progress and he should be ok for a while. However I did go out and buy a doggie diaper because his medication seems to send him to the bathroom, and i can't have him messing with my carpet and/or hardwoods...lol..

Anyway that makes me feel much better..thank God he is going to be ok.

I have so many things going on right now in my life, I am just trying to make sure that I keep my perspective and set my mind on things above. I haven't been doing such a good job lately of that. I have been going from one situation to another.

On a lighter topic, my yard is looking a hot mess - mostly weeds since my grass is half dead anyway... I am hoping my neighbors don't complain. I also need to find someone to come and fertalize my lawn.. i will ask my neighbors..ok going ot bed early..

1 comment:

The Land of Rozz said...

Please give Buddy a couple of head rubs from me.