Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The "Craft-Fest"

So this weekend..I did something I have been trying not to do and that is to feed my flesh whatever it wants. So I was a little..I don't know if stressed is the word, but moreso dissapointed by the outcome of a situation where I put myself out there and didn't quite get the response I was looking for. I discussed this with a variety of friends and the concensus is..it too early to tell if I got the "blow-off" from this guy... BUT you couldn't tell me that on Saturday/Sunday so by Sunday after church I decided that I was going to craft my troubles away.

So why is this bad...I think it is a matter of really avoiding my emotions by pouring myself into crafting on Sunday. I am was having a problem with jewelry storage. I have a ton of costume jewelry that I had in several different spots.. So i saw a jewelry chest at PierOne, but it cost $500 so that was out. So Sunday..I spent 3 1/2 hours back and forth between Michaels and Home Depot. In the end I think I may have spent $50. I had a couple of rolls of ribbon, a piece of styrofoam, a small plank of wood. Some PVC pipe that I cut in half and I bought some kind of connector. Then I also purchased some hooks and some type of flower holder wire mesh.. don't ask.

So anyway when it was all said and done I had covered the wood in ribbon and put the hooks on it to hold my necklaces.
I am going to mount it to a wall in my closet one of these days. I wrapped the pvc pipe and connector in ribbon and used that to hold my bracelets.
I made a ribbon border around the styrofoam with the hooks for my earrings and rings.
It was was one long piece that I cut in half after I cracked it trying to do something with that mesh.. I couldnt use it and i was thinking of a use for it, since I started cutting it up and apparently Buddy likes to lay on it, so I put it near one of his dog beds. ..oh.. i just had an idea on how to make what I did less cheesy.. and it is a little cheesy..Martha Stewart would be a little dissapointed in my final product, but like I said I have some ideas on improvement...

So the problem wasn't just my "craft-fest" that in total including shopping probably lasted 10 hours. I should have gone to 6pm service but i was consummed with avoidance. After I finished all that, I reorganized my closets, cleaned my house and rearranged all my bedroom furntiure...which is by no means an easy task.
Lets just say in that pic, the bed was on the wall where the mirror is now. No piece of furniture in my bedroom is in its original place..
So it is safe to say I was a tad bit manic and I forced myself to go to bed because I had a meeting early the next day and at around 3am, I had to stop myself from washing several loads of clothes.
Anyway..I thought those days were over, where I become totally immersed in something..to that extreme. In this case it was to avoid something, maybe that is always the reason and I never really considered it. But Sunday it was bad, i didn't answer my phone, didn't eat..well I had lunch between Michaels and home but only because I was feeling light headed..,but that was it for the day pretty much.

So I am going to have to continue the work on not avoiding things that upset me. I got some great advice.."feel the fear and do it anyway"..but that is what got me into this predicament in the first place... But I will press on...

Enough said, I am going to bed early..

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