But I digress - last night Pastor Micah talked about Doing the Impossible. So I am going to have to grab my notes to give all of the goods, but what happened yet again at one of these meetings is that I saw how the leadership principles that I am being taught at church also have an incredible practical applicability at work and in life. I am thinking to myself, people are out there paying for this kind of good teaching and information and it is available to me here free. Honestly even if I wasn't going to have any leadership responsibilities at the church I would be at this meeting every other week. It's that good.
For the second time I walked out of that meeting AMPED ready to take on the world, literally. I am so blessed its ridiculous. I could extol the virtues of how God is moving in my church and my church family in every blog, honestly, because he uses them to bless me daily.
I am encouraged really I am. I went to the meeting yesterday and I ran into someone from my core group who said it seemed like they hadn't seen me in forever, and I only missed one week. Ahh it makes me feel good. Then one of my leaders had a tragedy in her life this week and I felt so blessed to be able to provide even a little bit of comfort. I know she felt blessed, but I felt blessed to be able to do that..its weird. OK.. I am going on enough, I really have to go now..
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