I cherish all God has done for me. I am embarking on some new territory with this new job. I will have a post all about that sometime this week..more on that later. I am embarking on some new territory with understanding part of my purpose. I am going to try to blog on this later as well. I have been feeling like I am going to start a business ..maybe nextyear. I think its going to be a non-profit.
I really want to explore the direction God is taking me in. For as long as I can remember I have had what I will call a mercy heart. My mom LOVES to tell the stories of how when I was in nursery school & grade school I would always pick out the kid in the corner with no friends or some problem and make it my business to befriend them and figure out what I can do to help them. Over the passed I don't even know how many years I have been having going through some things that caused me to turn inward. So that part of myself sort of went by the wayside. I am not going to say I didn't care about anyone but myself..that is too extreme...but I lost part of myself.
I feel like she is back..ok that sounds weird, but you know what i mean. New and improved..I can genuinely care about someone and none of it revolves around me. It feels great..there is no guilt/shame of a farce, feeling bad because my concern for others, somehow always came back around to having to revolve around me.
So anyway back to my excitement about my purpose. I have always for as long as I can remember had strong feelings about adoption and foster care. Children in the system is are not anything I can identify with, but I guess I felt like I wanted to do something about it. About 6 years ago, I decided I wanted to do respite foster care, but I wasn't in a position to do that. I am still praying about that. I am researching the possibliity. God at some point provided some clarity about those who I am to help.. children who age out of the foster care system. I can't tell you why I feel such a strong desire to do something, I can only say that God has put something in me.
So I have been thinking both big and small as far as goals go. Big = community resource center, counselors, advisors, training, independantblife preparation. Small = become a mentor eventually developing a permancy pact (encourages a life-long, kin-like connections between a young person and a supportive adult) with my mentee.
I will keep you posted as to my progress with this...
ok night!
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