1. Once I was lost and now I am found.
2. I really tired of being sick.
3. Today at work I thought about getting another job.
4. What's tofurkey all about?
5. If I make a mistake I (most times) I try to correct it and no longer beat myself about it (yay!).
6. When I woke up this morning, I thought about what I was going to do this weekend.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to downtown Raleigh with the girls, tomorrow my plans include Zumba and 27 dresses and Sunday, I want to go to the superbowl party at my church...GO GIANTs (I am so phony)!!!
Ok so while most of these are thoughts from Friday... #4 is from today..
I will be back on the blog circuit shortly..good message at church today to talk about - later!
1-it was a good message this morning wasnt it???
2-what IS tofurkey all about?!?
3-yay, the giants won!!! ...i didnt see you there... hope your week is wonderful! ;)
I tasted tofurkey at Whole Foods one time. It's not so bad.
nichole -
Sunday's message was fantastic!!
Also I think I saw you very briefly on Sunday evening, but I turned around and you were gone.. :D I had a great weekend thanks. I hope you did too!
rozz -
I will have to take your word for it..LOL!!!
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