What I am thankful for right now!
#1) AN awesome job. My manager told me I might be traveling to Brazil in the next month or two (soooooooooo excited). How cool is it to travel on someone else's dime. Also, I have the favor of God ALL over that job..it's amazing!!
#2) Truly loving and accepting myself for who i am RIGHT NOW. Not when I "get myself together" or lose weight. I am no longer defined by my size..i LOVE IT!
#3) A chocolate family room. I know I mention it alot, but I am living in the house of my dreams. Everytime I sit in my family room, i feel like I am being given a hug. God has blessed me abundantly. I have been ungrateful in the past for the places that I have lived. Finding fault and never feeling comfortable in them. That is a horrible feeling - being upset about where you live. Now there are some things that aren't perfect here, but its not about what i don't have - it is about the abundance I have been given.
#4) Buddy! My dog is another blessing from God. He is presently on the couch doing what he does best.. sleeping. During some dark days in my life Buddy forced me to get out of the house at least twice a day..and he gives me immense pleasure right now, because he doesn't try to run away anymore when given the opportunity. ..and opportunity has knocked several times!
#5) Acceptance of God's grace and mercy. I used to wallow around in self pity for how horrible I was..no more..God has forgiven me for all of my sins - hey Jesus died for them. I am trying to be constistently repentant (a work in progress). It is so cool in Himself he has given me an example for forgiving others (which generally isn't a problem for me)..but more importantly for me..for forgiving myself. Feeling inadequate is no longer part of who I am. I am MOST thankful for that..basically that is what makes me able to be whole heartidly thankful for items #1-4 above.
Thank you Jesus!
Off topic.. I started Tennis lessons today. I think Tennis is going to replace bowling after this season is over for my bowling league.
On topic.. #6 I am thankful for an improved bowling game. In my last league season, I was bowling arounds 60's to high 70's. Tonight i pre-bowled because I have a ministry meeting on my bowling night next week and I got bowled a 98, a 79, and a 102 AND i didn't feel intimidated by the ballers who were surrounding me bowling 160's to 200's :D. I am slowly but surely getting better..I am learning in life thats what counts!
off to bed..looking forward to work tomorrow (I can actually call that my #7 - because that was unimaginable to me a few weeks ago)
1 comment:
I like Thankful Thursdays....I might have to try this.
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