Monday, March 17, 2008

I (heart) my new job!

I havent' blogged in a while. Been so busy with work. I LOVE new job. My team lead and manager are great, my coworkers are cool, and I met some other folks at "the company" (thats what i am going to call my new workplace) that are cool and I have had a chance to hang out with them.

I have already advised at least one of them that they may turn into blog material but I will change their names. More on them later. God has granted me sooo much favor with my coworkers and manager, its amazing. I am really looking forward to seeing what he is going to do.

I haven't blogged as much because since I left "blue" I had to give up my laptop. These days I am so tired - because I am not used to going into the office everyday, I don't want to get on my computer.

SO basically on my new job, I am the subject matter expert, administrator, maintainer, traininer on the automated test tool that is used to test cell phones. I am also going to be a quasi project manager for a development team in Brazil that is making enhancements to our testing tool. I am saving an entire post for that topic (hehe).

Oh I also am closing out my bowling for winter 2008 and I am moving on to tennis. I take lessons in raleigh.


The Land of Rozz said...

I am glad that you are enjoying your new job. Where you do get those cool graphics?

Makeupslovely said...

Ros - Thanks! I just go on search on google images, for this particular I typed in "heart", then I keep paging through the options until I find something that I like.