Something is wrong with me. I am trying to figure out what it is. I just feel like the enemy is really attacking me right now. The good news is I am not powerless. God is really helping me.
I struggled for a long time with being unhappy, but things have been SO good for me the last 6 months or so, it is a miracle. So what happened? I don't know, but I have been super emotional for the last week. Actually I think I can date a problem back to right before I left blue to go green (code for my last and current job). Somehow or another I have moved into impulsive spending..its crazy..all the money I have spent since January - and how I haven't really been handling my business.
So there is good news in all of this, I used to be REALLY hard on myself. A year ago I would be really beating myself up all over Raleigh for some of the poor choices I have made. But even me calling them poor choices and not calling myself names is a victory, so I am thankful for that.
SO.. I will continue praying and asking God to deliver me from this, or point me in the right direction of some help or something I need to do or stop doing to help me with this. I have some ideas on both - what to stop doing and what to continue to do with more intensity
I am really looking forward to getting my finances under control, that will be the icing on the cake God has blessed me with. And now I can say I am really working on it.
Oh I went to a hockey game with some coworkers last night at the RBC Center - Hurricanes vs. Capitals..Capitals won. I have a picture and will discuss that in my next post...