Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving '08

Thanksgiving '08 was fantastic. I had a great time. My mom, dad, their dog and sister drove down to see me and I cooked almost the entire meal. it was EXHAUSTING, but worth it. I also had a couple of my girlfriends come over.

My "boy-friend" didn't come because he isn't my boyfriend anymore, a story better left unblogged, but it's all good anyways. I am back on the dating scene and that is going good so far, so I will keep you posted if anything note worthy happens on that front. I spent Wednesday cooking all evening, got started at around 8pm.

Here was my menu: Turkey, Dressing, Chicken, Ham, Macaroni and Cheese, Sweet Potato Casserole, Green Beans, Okra, Fried Corn, Rice , Lemon Cake with (from scratch) Cream Cheese Frosting and ice Cream. It was wonderful, everyone loved it! Now I must say that I didn't cook the Ham, Fried Corn and Okra, but everything else was all me. I have posted some pics below for you to see:

The only bad part was that one of my girlfriends came later, after we had finished eating and I was asleep on the couch the entire time she was there.

But life is great, I can't complain at all, the job is good and secure (now) for the most part. I am back in my bowling league, I am also in a tennis group, but it is getting too cold for that now. The dogs are not getting along, but they are work, but I enjoy them. I am hanging out with old friends and new friends and having a great time in the process. I am having a Christmas party for one of the groups I am in this weekend. That should be a lot of fun. I will post some pictures next week.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I made it back to Brazil!

My trip to Brazil began yesterday.

After a TON of last minute running around, Igot to the airport for my 4:40 flight to Newark at 3:10. Then I found out is was cancelled, but there was a 2:30 that was delayed so we got on that. It wound up leaving at 5pm. The plane ride (apparently) was very rocky. I was totally asleep for the majority of the ride. The guy on the seat next to me didn't fair so well, he was sick (i think). At a certain point, I woke up and he was vomitting and I started gagging then i went back to sleep.

Yuck. In anycase, I barely remembered it.

Got to Newark and then on to Sau Paulo at 10pm. I was sitting next to a quiet guy, it was a 9 hour flight. I slept probably 8 of the 9 hours..I was happy about that.

I didn't get to my hotel until around noon today. So that is 21 hours of traveling. wow.

I just ate at this fantastic Italian restaurant attached to the hotel. I had steak and good.

Tonight we are going to try some authentic Brazillian Pizza so that should be great! One of my Brazillian colleauges is going to take out for that.

I am tired now, just finished watching a few week old episode of House. It is in English with Portuguese subtitles, now Law and Order is on..well. I might try to get in a little nap before dinner.

Oh the weather is fantastic here!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Day..

I am very happy this week, I met this guy and we are dating and things are going really is early yet. We have been seeing or really talking with each other for the past 3 weeks. It is a longer distance relationship then I would have liked because he lives in South Carolina.

But it has presented me with some new challenges that I am trying to work out. So he doesn't know I blog and for now I am not planning on telling him about it because then i have to sensor what I say. So anyway things are going great, but I am feeling guilty about several things, first of course the relationship is new so I am thinking about him a lot, which means I am less focused on i wasn't talking to God or praying 24 hours a day, but balance must be is being restored.

He drove her here this weekend and went to church with me, which was nice and we had a really good time.

Anyway, I will keep you posted (all 4 of regular


Wednesday, October 22, 2008


...I am thinking about it.

Monday, October 13, 2008


On Sunday, during our prayer request and praise report session at Jr.Kidz church, one of my kids said the following:

"I want to say thanks to God because my dad said when i was 16 he was going to get me a Mustang with... SPINNERS!"

Hilarious, how does a 5 year old even know what spinners are?

Needless to say, his dad said he better keep praying for that...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thankful Thursday..

So there are so many things I am thankful for this Thursday...

I am grateful for having a job, because that was in serious jeopardy last week, my right mind, because that was in serious jeopardy last year. My family, friends, church, etc.

So why do I feel like I am drowning in my current problems. There is a lot of condemnation going on surrounding my latest "challenge". I don't even feel like blogging about it. I keep saying when I get through this time, i will spill my guts, in the meantime, I just need to get in the Word.

Just pray for me...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pink Eye

I have it :(

Monday, October 6, 2008

Muffin vs. Tweety

Here is a Video of Muffin trying to kill Tweety Bird..

If your wondering about the background music, I happened to be watching MTV's top pop group and the time..interestingly enough that accapello group that is singing "Kiss Kiss" by Chris Brown, wound up winning the $100k grand prize...

Ooops, I just realized this is the wrong video... my bad..this is Muffin vs. Buddy. I did NOT keep my phone (that I was doing the video taping with) steady, so just be prepared..

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thankful Thursday..

So much to be thankful about this thursday - here are 10 things (in no particular order - except #1):

1) My relationship with God Though from time to time it may seem one-sided. He is so faithful to me even when I fall by the wayside.

2) A good attitude Not to be taken for granted because I didn't always possess this or a positive outlook

3) Good friends I have been so blessed to have a variety of friends all who bring something different into my life.

4) Employment I am SUPER happy about having a job, because things seemed a little rocky this week.

5) My church family They pray for me and with me and I know I can count on them. I also am blessed with a phenomenal and timely Word on the weekends.

6) Jr. Kidz Church For so many reasons being in the Childrens ministry has helped me. I feel like I am making a difference in the lives of others and I know the kids are helping me to grow.

7) My family Who have shown me (for the most part) unconditional love and when they don't, they teach me patience.

8) My purpose I understand what it is and it gives me something to strive for and look forward to. I just need to get that ball rolling.

9) My dogs Buddy has helped me in the past and is a fantastic, low maintenance companian (well low maintainence until recently). Muffin is helping to teach me to multi-task

10) My ipod Random I know, but between my music and my christian podcasts (particularly Joel Osteen) really helps me get through some things.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

God's Favor..

I have news...

I am really grateful right now.. This is a repeat of an email I sent to someone who has been praying for me and my job situation that sums it up nicely...

I have an update for you on my situation. On Monday they announced they were laying off almost half of the RTP employees at my job. I stood in faith that my outcome would be good no matter what - although I was having some physical issues - migranes and anxiety, I focused on staying positive.

I got a call from my contracting company saying that there were 2 options for the contractors, either they would be gone at the end of the week or the end of November. I am thankful to report that I am in the end of November category!!

I just thank God for his favor and for you. I also thank you for continually praying for me while I am in this phase of job transition.

So that's the story..isn't God good!

I am going to continue to pray for all of my co-workers who will find out there fate tomorrow. They gave some of us the day off tomorrow. I told a couple of my girlfriends to keep the faith and trust God for the outcome as well.

I am off to bed, I am glad for myself...but my heart is heavy for the 400 (or so) people who will no longer be employed after tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The winds of change...

So they announced yesterday that they are laying off almost half the people who work at my site.

I am really praying for the people who work here who will be out of work soon. I am beleiving God for a positive outcome no matter what happens to me. I can't worry about it. Anyway, I will meet with my manager some time this week to find out how I will be affected. I am supposed to be going to Brazil next week, but who knows.

Oh and my mom is coming down to spend the week to watch the dogs. I made a joke and told her we might be spending this time together.

But really its in God's hands now, and I know He won't leave me or forsake me. I do have a positive attitude, I had a migrane last night, but I am not claiming that they are back, because I ahven't had one since I left blue.

I was in prayer and praise service this weekend it was amazing - there was a prophetic word that the winds of change are blowing..

Anyway..I will keep you posted..

Monday, September 15, 2008

This weekend...

I don't even know what to consider this weekend. I don't want to call it a complete waste, because I did get something accomplished, but for the most part I held myself hostage in my house.

Friday contained all manner of drama with driving to SC for my mom's house closing, which I did with power of attorney, there was all sorts of driving and checking and questioning and signing. If you have ever closed on a house before you understand how much you have to sign and initial, well imagine that every time you had to sign your name instead you had to write 3 full sentences related to power of attorney and each initial instead fo being something like "JD" was like "JD by AD AIF" x3.

Anyway, the closing started a little late, after 4:30 and ran until about 7ish. (sigh) i was pretty frustrated by that time, i had to mail my parents the paperwork at office depot, make keys for the house at home depot, then there was getting gas...

Could you beleive i had to get interviewed by a "gas bouncer" at the services station in SC before they would let me pull into the gas station. Since i wanted premium they let me in.. that aggrevated me more..

Then there was the fact that 20 minutes later i am putting the key in the door and Oh! they gave me the WRONG keys.. that I spent 30 minutes in home depot waiting to get them copied...

By this time I was beyond hot.. so I left NC at 11 in the morning, and I returned to my house at midnight. (sigh).

So I stayed home the entire weekend. I have not left my subdivision since I got back here Friday. What was I doing? sleeping, watching tv, cleaning, and doing laundry, and sleeping again.

My friend blogged about Sunday being the loneliest day for single people, she didn't feel that way, but I am not in agreement, unfortuneatley. I had plenty of opportunity and things that I could have done to get out of this house, but I felt kind of trapped inside. I did walk Buddy 2x a day with no problem, but this pattern of behavior is a little concerning, so I am going to investigate.

Anyway, I am out of the house tomorrow to go to work, then I am going to personal training, so that is good at least. to bed.. as if I am not well rested...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Photo of the day...

They call them "pooch pants" :D
And he is NOT happy about them...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Ok so I have been doing a lot of talking about Buddy, but I am happy to report that he seems to be doing better. He has the beginnings of congestive heart failure, but he is on some new medication that should slow down the progress and he should be ok for a while. However I did go out and buy a doggie diaper because his medication seems to send him to the bathroom, and i can't have him messing with my carpet and/or

Anyway that makes me feel much better..thank God he is going to be ok.

I have so many things going on right now in my life, I am just trying to make sure that I keep my perspective and set my mind on things above. I haven't been doing such a good job lately of that. I have been going from one situation to another.

On a lighter topic, my yard is looking a hot mess - mostly weeds since my grass is half dead anyway... I am hoping my neighbors don't complain. I also need to find someone to come and fertalize my lawn.. i will ask my neighbors..ok going ot bed early..

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Buddy Update - Brazil pt 2

He is almost back to normal. What a relief. Thank you Jesus!

I am going to back to personal training. And today I did really really well and facing one of my big fears (I will keep that one to myself for the moment - at least until I fully get over it so I can speak freely).

I had a great evening - Happy Hour for a friends birthday in Durham- good times with good friends.

This weekend, I am going to pray about this hurricane thing and make sure I have a few things in the house.

So sleepy..

Oh the job is going to send me back to Brazil in October, that will be great!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ahhh Labor Day

Today was a great day..first, Buddy is getting better, so I am pleased by that. Second I had my get together with some friends from work and my meetup group who I haven't seen in FOREVER! We had a great time. I am usually hesitant about putting peoples pictures up on my blog without asking. I almost never put up my own picture, BUT I did take a bunch of photos of the food, so here they are..

All of the food was terrific and everyone brought here goes..

Beans..courtesy of Bush's, bought by me, prepared on the grill by LDub.

Yummy potato salad by Julie, who never disappoints.

Chicken..seasoned by my, grilled by Ldub, basted by Lisa Lisa

Mac & Cheese by Jessica, who rocks..and it wasn't too salty like she was just right!

Allegra made some really good Hawaiian meatballs.

Cali provided Chips and Salsa (and corn, not pictured here)

Lisa Lisa outdid herself with a scratch pineapple good!

Fruit & Onions courtesy of Julie and Cali

After everyone left...I am really pleased with myself that I was able to get the kitchen back together in about an hour.

It was a really nice time.. I haven't laughed as hard as I did today, in a while, I had an ABSOLUTE blast..the rest of the pictures are also on the web..hit me up and I will email you the link to take a look.

So to sum up my Labor Day...


Monday, September 1, 2008

Productivity.. at an all time high in Rolesville. It's amazing what a little stress over pet health will get accomplished. This weekend I cleaned my bedroom and bathroom. And when I say clean, I mean I REALLY cleaned.. Like I pulled out the Pledge. So I..

1) Dusted
2) Polished
3) Windexed,
4) Cleaned my window sills, and
5) even sprayed my leather chair with some type of leather protector/oil thingy.

That was Saturday, today I
1) Vacuumed
2) Cleaned the kitchen
3) Ironed a ton of clothes (all my cruise and pre-cruise laundry is officially done)
and last but not least..
4) I ironed my sheets...

Thats definitely crazy, I only do it once in the bluest of blue moons, and it is something that is not only tedious, but brings back horrific memories of my early childhood and what I like to call the "slave" days, when I officially got the nickname Cinderella - which my aunt Johnnie still calls me to this day.

I have been itching to organize my socks draw (not that I am even really wearing all that many socks - but its haunting me), and my nightstand draws, but there is always next weekend.

I skipped yard work because of the weather, and I went out last night and didn't get home until late - I usually start my yard work at like 7am.

Tomorrow I have some people coming over. I started by inviting a few people over, but somehow things have mushroomed - I am ok with that, so we will see what happens. I'll try to remember to take pictures this time. I am a little concerned about Buddy and having people over - I am wondering if doggy "calmers" will work..i got them..i might call the emergency vet people to see if thats ok...

OK enough for one night.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


I hate it when I have the I am disconnected from God...

When I got back from the trip, i have to say, I felt a little disconnected from my people here in NC. I have decided to work on that and I have made an effort to get past what I feel like doing. I invited some people I haven't seen in a while over for Labor Day. I know I will have a blast, so I am looking forward to it.

I know that when I feel a strong desire just to be by myself is the time when I most need to be purposeful about reaching out to people.

Back to feeling disconnected from God...The problem the usually holds me back from making progress on that front is a feeling of condemnation because I let this happen (again). But God is merciful and again its all about being purposeful to rectify the situation, so I will work on that. OK i feel better so I can definitely hit the hay now..

Buddy's sick...

I really wanted to go out tonight and do something, but frankly I should stay home for a host of reasons. Primary one is that Buddy is very ill and I need to keep my eye on him at night.

I was so devastated yesterday when he had some type of seizure on his morning walk. It was pretty scarry, he has been doing this cough, hack, gag thing, but I thought it was because he was licking his fur and had some type of furl ball (like a cat).

Perhaps this is too much detail (so stop reading if you like) , first the night before last, he was gagging and carrying on for a really long time. It was thunder and lightening outside, which usually makes him tremble, but instead really aggravated his condition. The next morning on our walk, about 1 house down from mine, he started the cough, hack gag thing and then he stopped walking, started shaking uncontrollable, went completely limp, emptied out his bladder right there and wouldn't move. I picked him up and carried him back to the house and he came too..

I sat outside on my steps for about 5 minutes trying to calm him down and figure out what to do. I took him to the animal hospital and the vet said that he has some type of allergy, but is not 100% sure what caused the seizure, but it is due to oxygen not flowing to his brain. I think it must be all the gagging. He is on some medicine now, steriods and antibiotics.. It is funny how the same stuff that cleared my skin outbreak can also help buddy with this..well actually there are both supposedly allergies so i suppose it makes sense.

Anyway again on his walk last night 5 minutes in, he collapsed and just went to the bathroom right there... BUT this morning he got half of his walk in then i had to carry him back to the house..all 20 lbs.. but he seems to be doing better, so for that i am grateful to God

My mother who thinks a dog is good for my singleness, suggested that I get another dog, Buddy is pretty old, 12 or 13 but I am now hopeful that he will get better. I am debating the 2nd dog thing.. who knows.

OK I guess I will go to bed.. Oh.. tomorrow I am back to Weight Watchers..ugh..the post cruise weigh in...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I am back from my was FANTASTIC! So much to blog about.. so little time. Unfort, I am tired, so maybe tomorrow.. or this weekend..

(this and all subsequent pics i post about my vacation will be from my (or my sister's) camera.

Friday, August 15, 2008

I found it!

For those of you who were waiting with bated breathe about my missing camera (I know I sure was..)


I went to a concert some months ago and apparently i put it in the bag with my foldup chair..good job!

Ok now I am ready to go on vacation!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Last post for the night..

OK last post for the night...Yesterday a wonderful thing happened to me, a coworker of mine (who is not saved) sent another coworker to me because they were looking for a church..

I was really touched and it made me think about how important it is to be true to the Jesus inside of you. I must admit I don't always represent him so well, but it is nice the people around me can see that and maybe it might change there lives too.

I was talking with the Lord the other day about witnessing and introducing people to Christ. I just don't feel like I have been doing that, but I also have to remember that it is not about me being able to check off a box.. lead someone to Christ...(check)...its about the kingdom. Representing God showing them his love so that they want some of that themselves.

Now I invite most people that I start getting to know, that don't have a church home, or don't know Christ, to my church..that's because I think it is the best church on earth...for real!
but I know its not for everyone.. ANYWAY.. I got off on a tangent..I was saying that I was really excited to be representing my Lord and Savior!

Some Old posts - I never published..

I am cleaning up my posts and i found this one and this one that I never posted..

my camera...m.i.a.

I really have to find my camera.. I have been using my cell phone which I might add has been taking some great pictures, but I miss my camera :( .. I know it is around here somewhere.. I really don't want to tear my house apart looking for it.. (sigh) the insanity of it all is that i keep looking in the EXACT same places thinking is going to magically materialize!


I am going to have to ask God to bring it to my remembrance what I did with it.

I wanted to take pics of the jewelery I have made so far..but with my actually camera..

The search is on..

Thats all i wanted to say!

Oh wait one more thing..i just went through the process of labeling some of my blogs, I decide any blog where I ranted and raved about my feelings struggles, successes, etc I am labeling "Victorious Living" because that is what I am about doing..

Friday, July 25, 2008

Being grateful...

Enough said! Good night!

Confession Time...

I drove to Charlotte today to look into something for my mom about a house there. Anyway I keep telling myself that I am going to "Go HARD" on this diet healthy eating plan and exercise thing. I went to the doctor the other day and I have lost 28 pounds since August - significant, but I really want it to be more. I have actually decided that I on average have been gaining about 20 pounds a year - so I really lost almost 48 or so pounds...OK that feels better ;)
Anyway today was not my best day, I am fessing up about what I ate, because logging it on doesn't seem to be doing it.

1 slice Pound Cake - with frosting I bought separately and smothered the cake in.
(yeah that was it..oh wait nm...)
1 Everything Bagel with lots of cream cheese
1 Starbucks Croissant
1 Grande Cinnamon Dolce Latte (with whip!)

1 fried chicken thigh
1 serving of homemade mac and cheese
1 serving of green beans.
(if only I could have left it at this)

Evening snack
(sigh - back to was over 6 hours round trip in the car today)
1/2 tall Cinnamon Dolce Latte (with whip again!)
1 slice of starbucks iced lemon pound cake...

and another slice of cake with the dreaded chocolate frosting (once I got home)

(and now... a sigh of relief)
That was freeing...tomorrow is a better day, no question.

"God is in front of me making crooked paths straight, goodness and mercy are following me, and God's favor is all around me"

I got that from Joel Osteen a couple of weeks ago and it has become my personal mantra...Joel even said every now and again, look behind and wave and say,, "HEY Goodness.. HEY Mercy"

For whatever reason, i always feel compelled to do this in my car.. I know I look CRAZY waving to goodness and mercy in my back seat...oh well...

Hopefully I will fall asleep at a reasonable hour with all this coffee so freshly in my system..

Monday, July 21, 2008

I love my church family!

Ok this is the last post for the day:

On another note, can I just tell you how much I love my church family, I know I keep saying that, but I am just overflowing with this feeling, so I have to say. . They are amazing. I had the opportunity to spend quality time with several people this weekend, to both be blessed and to be a blessing to someone else. It was awesome. That is not to say that everything is always perfect just like with any family there are ups and downs, but what I love about the people I have encountered so far is that the focus is "righting" whatever wrong there is. So someone gets angry or offended, but we come together and show each other the love and forgiveness that Christ showed us..its marvelous..

A couple of the girls and I are reading this intresting book by eckart Tolle - called a New Earth: Awaking to your life's purpose. Now I am by no means promoting the book but it has some good and some not so good points. Oprah has really skyrocketted this guys success by endorsing his book, 150%. She even has space on her site for him and some study group information. Anyway, I used to be a person who wouldn't read this book because it seemed too "New Age-ey" But I am so much more open and I have tons less righteous indignation. Anyway, my boy Eckart is not goign to win the "Christian of the Month" award - I am not sure he even is, but his book does cause me pause to look at "the flesh" - he calls it the ego and to really understand my motivations for doing things. Also how much of life we build on thoughts, how much power we give the wrong ones. Now Eckart would say don't give power to any thought, but don't agree with that. If my thought lines up with God's Word, then it already has power, I just need to release my faith and line myself up with that and pay no heed to the negative ones.. oh it sounds so

Back on topic..we get together weekly to discuss this and I am really enjoying that - looking at it from a Christian perspective and collectively discussing then dismissing the stuff we don't agree with. Anyway, we are on Chapter 5 now.

God is so faithful, this year on Easter I was pretty sad and lonely..feeling sorry for myself, because i felt I had no family here. Sat night I was at the house of a member of my church family and I talked about this desire I had to have somewhere to go after church and a sense of family - not just to go home and stare at buddy and the tv. I made my request known to God and He as always really came through.I realize that I pretty much always have some type of fellowship when I leave church and its wonderful.

Anyway, I am going to walk buddy, handle some laundry and try to go to bed early to beat this little summer cold I have.


Health Update..

I will update you that I am on prednisone to clear up my face rash and all is OK with my health went to my final mammogram today and I got the all clear for another 6 months! I am sooooooooo grateful to God.

It is really quite daunting going to a breast specialist. I found out I was fine, but there were woman there who at the same time who were finding they were not. I met one today, and I heard her on the phone wiht a family member and I immediately started praying for her. I felt sad and grateful all at the same time. That could have just as easily been me, but for the grace of God.

I think you can kind of tell when someone is chatty, and she was, she spoke to me, and honestly I was at a loss. I wasn't sure if she was a Christian or not, but I spoke to her about staying positive and then she asked me to prayfor her.. how did she know that I even prayed? I started to tell her I already had started praying for her and I would continue to do so, but I just told her that I certainly would. I am wondering now if she was alone there, that has got to be rough if she was.

The Lawn Hog pt. 2

** I decided my posts are way too long so I am breaking them up, even if I have to post multiple times in one day.. and this is going to be one of those times. So this weekend, I went to back to Lowes returned my electric lawn mower for a gas one. What an improvement. I have to thank one of my friends for picking up my old one taking me to Lowes to return it helping me pick out a new one, dealing with my indecisiveness, then getting me gas for my gas can, setting me up and giving me a gas lawn mower care and operation tutorial. I couldn't have done it with out him.

So i was out there mowing my heart out on Sunday morning at the crack of dawn. I was pretty impressed with myself, not my job, but the mere fact that I was out there handling my yard. I have big things planned for the front yard. That is my summer project.

I am thinking about taking Salsa lessons, but the jury is out on that one at the moment.

Oh I TOTALLY forgot to blog about the power of prayer and expectatations. See next entry for that...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


So this is officially a new day, so I don't have 2 posts in 1 day. Last night was the leadership update. I was tempted not to go and just go home and sleep because I was emotionally exhausted, but I knew that it was going to bless me, so I went.

And it did. I was able to put my "stuff" to the side and think about my team. I kept saying to God, its so small, there are only 3 of us. Then I thought of my team at work (because every leadership update I have gone to has helped me in both areas). I am working with a college co-op, and we are a team of 2. But God showed me that it doesn't matter.

I learned to how important it is to build a relationship with your team. It is important to minister with your team to the people (kids), but also to minister to my team. So both of my team members are going through something. I don't know the details, and frankly I don't need to know, but God is showing me that he can show his love for them through me.

That reminds me how important I am to God. The creator of the universe thinks I am important..that is powerful..for me anyway.

So it totally took me out of myself and made me able to look beyond whats going on with me. I was too busy praying for others on my way home from the meeting... I got home checked email.. found out one of my closest friends mom has breast cancer..more prayer... checked some blogs, one of my leaders wife is having a baby tonight..more prayer...I look out my window there are ambulances for a neighbor...more prayer.

Pastor Steve talked about zeal this weekend (I listened to that podcast today) and I think it is important to have that for hurting people..actually all people.

So on a side note.. I debated going outside to saying something to my neighbor, i was peeking..well probably not effectively out of my curtain in my office. I saw my neighbor and his 8 or so year old daughter sitting outside on the steps. There was an ambulance and a small looking fire truck thing, a cop. So after a brief conversation with my mother about being neighborly, I decided to go outside. Mind you I made a promise that I wouldn't go outside looking crazy anymore (you never know who you will meet). My head was full of rollers wrapped in a fishnet thingy. But I still had on my work clothes. But I didn't want to wait to find the right scarf, anyway you would still know there were roller up under there. So whatever, after 10 seconds I decided just go, so I did. Turns out my neighbors father in law was unresponsive and my neighbor was sitting outside with his daughter because he didn't want her to be scared while they were working on him. So I went over there looking crazy and asked if there was anything I can do, that he and his daughter were welcome to come over to my house, he declined. I told him I would pray for him and his family and I went back inside. I peeked out the window every so often. I was really grateful to see that when the EMT brought the father-in-law into the ambulance, he was alive and somewhat alert..I saw him lift his head. So I was grateful to God for that.

So that was my night... I was supposed to working on my they are not done...I have until October or August, I can't remember, but anyway this week is my personal deadline.

I am going to give buddy his midnight snack and go to bed..for real this time...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Lots of emotions today. It was another Dr's visit. First the good news...I didn't gain any weight as a result of my 4th of July food fest. Ok on to the next set of news.

I am officially allergic to some antiobiotics. My face is on the mend, I am proclaiming it in Jesus' name. It hasn't manifested yet, but today was my first day off the antibiotics so I will keep you posted. The doctor said that cortizone10 lightens my face and makes my splotches more prominent.

But my doctor is concerned about me so she is sending me to a specialist to give me another mammogram and do do further testing, to figure out what my problem is. So I went through this whole thing again. But this time I was more prepared. I listened to Joel Osteen on my ipod in my car. It was his sermon #373 - "Expect Good Things", this was about the third time I listened to this message. But this was when I needed it the most. He said something like
"Our expectations are setting the limits for our life"
"If you are not expecting something good you are not releasing your faith."
"Gods favor is not for a season - it is for a lifetime"
"Goodness and mercy are behind us, God is ahead of us making crooked places straight, and favor is all around us"
"Declare daily something good is going to happen to me today"

About a week ago I started downloading some of my favorite preachers sermons on my ipod. I was pointed to listen to Joel by some of my girlfriends...divine connections..God was preparing me for this day. Can I just tell you some of the podcast that have been downloaded to my ipod:
Charles Stanley
"Confidence in Trouble Times"
"Confidence in Times of Distress"

Joel Osteen
"Expect Good Things"
"You are an Overcomer"

John Hagee
"The Anchor of Hope"
"The Winning Attitude"

One of of my sisters from church was so encouraging she talked to me and she is going with me to my appointment on Friday. Another all I had to do was ask her to pray and I felt better, because she a prayer warrior. I have other friends who aren't Christian who encouraged me. My girlfriend from work waited for me at the Cheesecake Factory way after her lunch hour. Just so I wouldn't have to eat alone after my appointment. And she was so matter of fact.. no problem, I will just stay later today at work, really its no big deal. She really meant that too. I have to say I have been blessed to meet so many people who care about me since I moved to this area. I just want to be as much of a blessing to other people as those who have been there for me.

Anyway I have decided to be positive to believe the Truth and what the Word of God says about my situation.

1. I am more than a conqueror
2. By His stripes I am healed
3. With long life, he will satisfy me
4. God is my strength and my refuge
5. I have the victory

So I am looking forward to seeing what God is going to do in my situation. He's awesome.


Monday, July 14, 2008

replacing the lawn hog..

So last week.. I went lawn mower shopping. I was specifically looking for an electric lawnmower because i didn't want to have to deal with gas and oil. So a few of my girls and I ventured out.. So hard to find these lawnmowers..there aren't that many available.."Perhaps there is a reason for this?" Is the demand too high or two low to substantiate keeping them stocked in the stores? So after Sears and Home Depot let me down, we head over to Lowes and Eureaka! there is "Lawn Hog" just sitting there waiting for me.

So this weekend I went for it, 7pm, Buddy and I head outside. I sit and read pretty much the entire manual, then I plug it in and get ready to go. It wasn't very noisy, so I was really grateful for that, but it was one workout! OMG my yard is somewhat hilly, the back yard is really hilly, but man, it was tough! What made it worse was that I didn't have enough slack on the cord that was plugged into the outlet. I got an $8 50ft cord. Apparently, I need 100 ft. That is a lot of cord to keep track of. (sigh)

So my thoughts on this experience:
So there were a few mishaps - I have a allergic reaction to something starting last week and I am having a hard time figuring out what it is, but anyway, my face and neck don't look so great at the moment. (But I am healed in Jesus name - I had to add that in there). Anyway, sweating profusely opened up my pores and all that grass was blowing all over the place, because I used the setting to mulch the grass, for fertalization. Then I displaced about 10,000 bugs - I was hoping that I wouldn't get eaten alive. Only a few bites here at there but I am fine.Oh so back to my face and neck...they were literally ON FIRE! I have almost used an entire tube of cortizone10 since it stops my face from itching. but that couldn't help me in the great outdoors. No, My face and neck itched so bad I didn't know what to do with myself. I pressed on though.

There was some fear there for sure.
  1. Fear of running over my feet,
  2. Fear of running over buddy, who sometimes is not too bright,
  3. Fear of looking like a lobster at work on monday because my face finished completely breaking out.
  4. Fear of my legs also looking lobsterish because angry bugs decided that since they had no where to go, they might as well eat (me).

But despite all that I pressed on and finishe 80% of my yard. 20% couldnt get done because my cord wasn't long enough.

Anyway I am debating going this weekend and exchanging this for a gas powered mower - self-propelled at that. The jury is still out, but I have obtained transportation in the event that I decide to go through with it.

So the only casualty of war are my legs itching from 2-4 bites a got - no biggie there.My hair was completely destroyed - I did CPR on it this morning and all is fine (now). There is an area of my yard where, the blades were set to low, so it looks like it got scalped..its not pretty.

But overall it was pretty good and fantastic exercise. I need to finish mulching my front yard - this weekend hopefully. But I am really debating ditching the Lawn Hog for a self propelled gas mower. That cord is really annoying...I will think on this this week.

Oh..but most important - I have decided, that there is no way to do this and look cute at the same time. I looked crazy afterwards.

So I will keep you posted on my landscaping make over. I really should start taking pictures. My camera is MIA at the moment - that is a problem.

Monday, July 7, 2008

What a weekend!!

My 4th of July weekend was absolutely fantastic!

Friday: Had my 1st Annual July 4th Cookout. (mind you I don't own a grill), IT was BYOG (Bring Your Own Grill). It worked out very well. I had about 24 people over my house - church family and friends. We had such a great time. Then after most people left and it was just about 6 of us we saw the fireworks that they had in Rolesville about a mile away from my house. HOW convenient and our timing was perfect.

I just felt so blessed to be surrounded by so many loving caring people who I have really come to cherish since I moved here. I am hoping to make my cookout a regular thing every year :). I am sure I will have something again later on this summer.

My next event is game night for some folks in the area maybe in august?

Saturday..sleep sleep and more sleep. Then I got up moved some furniture around and went to Saturday night service - it was AMAZING - the 5 things that help you fulfill your purpose. Afterward I went out with two of my church sisters to eat and chat - which is appearing to be our Sat night ritual after service. It is nice we talk about all sorts of things, dating and relationships, the word, life. We are going to be reading a book together and discussing it. We decided on "A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" now I was a little skeptical at first, it seemed like it might be "new ag-ey". But I am going to give it a try. We all went to walmart to pick up a copy after our dinner. Then I went home and continued reading "the five people you meet in heaven" I will do a separate blog post about that book. Anyway I finished the 2nd person Eddie met in heaven.

Sunday..sleep sleep.. i was supposed to be up continuing my front yard mulching haps, slept until 11 am. My gardening cutoff is around 11am. I try to start between 6-7am. But i was still beat from entertaining on Friday. Went to a meeting at church for our support circle. Then it was "Operation Lawn Mower" My two girlfriends and I were up and down capital blvd trying to get me an electric lawn mower. I am determined to maintain my own yard. Anyway, thank God we finally got one. You can't imagine how hard it is to get an electric lawn mower. But favor was all around so.. I got it!

Then I came home, ate some junk food and watched some TV. Read more of "the five people you meet in heaven" I am on person #4. I got on my computer a couple of hours ago to listen to this Joel Osteen, who was talking about speaking positivity into your life. My girls suggested I listen, since they listened this morning and found it to be really good. I did, it was fantastic.

Anyway - great weekend - and I am looking forward to a great week at work!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I'm GREEN!!!!

I'm green!

Monday, June 30, 2008

it ain't easy being green...

I said a while back I am going green. So I recommitted with some friends this weekend to try to do a little of my part. I went to the supermarket this evening I am making some kind of mexican lasagna. Its a WW recipe to we will see. Anyway at the 11th hour after I checked out I remembered the 99 cent bags that i can use instead of plastic. Well low and behold, since Lowes gets all my money they were kind enough to give me 3 bags free (for 3000 green points - I had accumulated..I didn't even know I was doing that. Anyway.. I was only going to put this one pic...

But then I decided to put of this one too..kind of an oxymoron to have the recycled bags in your cart sitting next to your styrofoam cup and plastic straw... well baby steps!

OK looks like posting pics is on the soon to come..

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Scary Day

So today was a pretty scary day for me. I woke up this morning and found something very questionable happening to my body so I made an emergency doctor appointment because I have become a little concerned about my health because I am having to repeat mammograms and having ultrasounds - its a little unnerving.

So I was so frazzled after my discover this morning, I completely spaced out. I was having trouble quoting scripture about my situation, so I grabbed my New testament on CD and popped a cd into the car on my way to the dr. It was really an emotional morning for me. I found out that I having some problem woman generally have when they are lactating and NO i am not pregnant. My mother started talking to me about hysterical pregnancies, but I certainly don't want to be pregnant, so ruled that out to.

Anyway, the doctor gave me a prescription, and told me to push my august mammogram to july. (sigh). I was a BASKET case. I was wondering if I had any tears left. I tried to be positive and be grateful that I know what the current issue is and it is fixable. But I can't help but to worry.

I know a therapist who told me that I can control how i feel and react to a situation, but I gave up a bunch of control today. I was so emotionally drained from my mornings episode, I could only stay at work for 1 hour before I wanted to leave. Besides concerns for my health, I just started this job and I am thinking this is not going to work out.

Some of the girls from the job went out to lunch with me, and then they spent several hours with me talking to me at the end of the work day. Then we went out and stayed at Bonefish Grill until 11:30pm, talking about everything you can imagine. We didn't spend too much time focused on my issues, but when we did, they were super positive about everything and encouraging.

I even spent some time with my team lead at work, who is phenonenal and when called him this morning, he asked me if i needed anything since he knew I was alone and I really believe that if i needed something he would have asked his wife to come over and help me. I talked to him a little about what was and has been going on, and my concern over this job.. he was really supportive - so for that I am really grateful.

Anyway, I am really tired tonight so I am going to bed. I often talk about picking up posts later and finishing them, but i can't promise I will continue in my next post. I will say that I really feel like I really blessed because I have a great support network. Although I didn't (and I probably should have) called my church family, I know that they would have been there for me. I called one of my girlfriends in VA but she wasn't available. I told her I thought it was for the best at the point, and I really needed to work it out - with God right then.My mom was great - I avoided Dad a little, because I was in a fragile state and he doesn't do really good in those situations - he is a little at a loss. I will call him tomorrow :).

Anyway, I am fine and I am believing that everything is going to be least I am working on believing it. My emotions are mixed between relief and concern, and I am really thankful to God. He is my rock and of whom should i be afraid??

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

So today i went back on weight watchers.

So today i went back on weight watchers. Some of my girls from the job are on it too. This is all part of my back to basics. So today is another day one. The good news is that i am down 24 pounds since i originally joined last august. So i am happy about that . I cooked last night pork chops, rice, string beans. So that was my lunch today and it was pretty good. But it felt good to be taking care of myself. I am starting a walking program. Its an 8 week 5k plan. I was talking to my coworker today and decided to set a more concrete goal that is in the plan. So my goal is to
Be able to walk 3.5miles in one hour consistently without feeling winded. More later

Monday, June 16, 2008

Mobile blogging So i am sitting here wai

Mobile blogging
So i am sitting here waiting for my car to be fixed (a minor problem) and i figured i would try blogging from cell. So this weekend i did some thinking about my life and i decided i am not happy with the direction its going in somewhere i feel like i got off track these last few months. In my relationship with God and taking care of myself. So i have to get back to basics. Well actually i am not entirely sure what that means. But i think i do need to refocus upwards and inwards instead of outward. Ok car is ready more on this later

Thursday, May 29, 2008

10 Steps for a Greener tomorrow...

This is a blog I was working on last month.. i never finished it but thought it was worthwhile to post...

I was inspired by an image I saw yesterday and decided to do a post on it.

this is a note to self:
10 steps for a greener tomorrow:

1) Pray. But just not "God help me through this prayer". Pray for others and with passion and conviction. Pray like there is a tomorrow, and you know God can change the outcome. Pray for yourself that God will heal you and use what you have gone through to heal other. Will help you learn from your mistakes so you don't make them again and you can work to prevent new ones.

2) Fast. You don't have to get all fanatical just start off slowly. Its seems that everytime God presents fasting to you ...and you don't... you begin to drift. Its interesting to see how He knows and tries to prepare, so be prepared.

3) Give. Use your resources to help other. It doesn't have to just be money, but tithing is important. It can be your teim

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Greenish blue..

I haven't worked out in over a week, and I haven't worked out hard since I left for Brazil. So I am thinking that may account for my greenish blue mood. I don't want to say I am blue, because that certainly isn't true. Green being my favorite color to me represents my happiness or contentment with life.

I know I have a lot going on in my life right now - particularly some nonesense I have to deal with in Maryland, but usually that doesn't really bother me too much.. So back to greenish blue. I feel like I am heading very slowly, but I am happy that I can recognize it in the blue direction..and thats not a great place to

So I am going to continue to pray and get myself back in the gym - back to the serious workouts. I broke up with my personal trainer, and not in a mature way, but I took him back last week. Although I have found one I potentially have interest in, but I am going to hold off on switching at the moment..we had a good thing going...i need to get back on track.

Ok so I will go back and do an assessment in 2 weeks to see if we can get back to "green-land". I was not trying to be funny or anything, and I accept that I am corny. Back on topic, I have so many things going on right now, and so many things to be grateful for, so I am going to get back on the horse. God is soo good.

Ok..I am back..I always like to search around for some neat images to add to my posts - usually after I write them - so I found this one and I think I will dedicate my next post to it...Of course it has a different meaning to me then those who are environmentally conscious, but anyway I am going to think about 10 steps to contentment and do a post on that..