Lots of emotions today. It was another Dr's visit. First the good news...I didn't gain any weight as a result of my 4th of July food fest. Ok on to the next set of news.
I am officially allergic to some antiobiotics. My face is on the mend, I am proclaiming it in Jesus' name. It hasn't manifested yet, but today was my first day off the antibiotics so I will keep you posted. The doctor said that cortizone10 lightens my face and makes my splotches more prominent.
But my doctor is concerned about me so she is sending me to a specialist to give me another mammogram and do do further testing, to figure out what my problem is. So I went through this whole thing again. But this time I was more prepared. I listened to Joel Osteen on my ipod in my car. It was his sermon #373 - "Expect Good Things", this was about the third time I listened to this message. But this was when I needed it the most. He said something like
"Our expectations are setting the limits for our life"
"If you are not expecting something good you are not releasing your faith."
"Gods favor is not for a season - it is for a lifetime"
"Goodness and mercy are behind us, God is ahead of us making crooked places straight, and favor is all around us"
"Declare daily something good is going to happen to me today"
About a week ago I started downloading some of my favorite preachers sermons on my ipod. I was pointed to listen to Joel by some of my girlfriends...divine connections..God was preparing me for this day. Can I just tell you some of the podcast that have been downloaded to my ipod:
Charles Stanley
"Confidence in Trouble Times"
"Confidence in Times of Distress"
Joel Osteen
"Expect Good Things"
"You are an Overcomer"
John Hagee
"The Anchor of Hope"
"The Winning Attitude"
One of of my sisters from church was so encouraging she talked to me and she is going with me to my appointment on Friday. Another all I had to do was ask her to pray and I felt better, because she a prayer warrior. I have other friends who aren't Christian who encouraged me. My girlfriend from work waited for me at the Cheesecake Factory way after her lunch hour. Just so I wouldn't have to eat alone after my appointment. And she was so matter of fact.. no problem, I will just stay later today at work, really its no big deal. She really meant that too. I have to say I have been blessed to meet so many people who care about me since I moved to this area. I just want to be as much of a blessing to other people as those who have been there for me.
Anyway I have decided to be positive to believe the Truth and what the Word of God says about my situation.
1. I am more than a conqueror
2. By His stripes I am healed
3. With long life, he will satisfy me
4. God is my strength and my refuge
5. I have the victory
So I am looking forward to seeing what God is going to do in my situation. He's awesome.
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