I really wanted to go out tonight and do something, but frankly I should stay home for a host of reasons. Primary one is that Buddy is very ill and I need to keep my eye on him at night.
I was so devastated yesterday when he had some type of seizure on his morning walk. It was pretty scarry, he has been doing this cough, hack, gag thing, but I thought it was because he was licking his fur and had some type of furl ball (like a cat).
Perhaps this is too much detail (so stop reading if you like) , first the night before last, he was gagging and carrying on for a really long time. It was thunder and lightening outside, which usually makes him tremble, but instead really aggravated his condition. The next morning on our walk, about 1 house down from mine, he started the cough, hack gag thing and then he stopped walking, started shaking uncontrollable, went completely limp, emptied out his bladder right there and wouldn't move. I picked him up and carried him back to the house and he came too..
I sat outside on my steps for about 5 minutes trying to calm him down and figure out what to do. I took him to the animal hospital and the vet said that he has some type of allergy, but is not 100% sure what caused the seizure, but it is due to oxygen not flowing to his brain. I think it must be all the gagging. He is on some medicine now, steriods and antibiotics.. It is funny how the same stuff that cleared my skin outbreak can also help buddy with this..well actually there are both supposedly allergies so i suppose it makes sense.
Anyway again on his walk last night 5 minutes in, he collapsed and just went to the bathroom right there... BUT this morning he got half of his walk in then i had to carry him back to the house..all 20 lbs.. but he seems to be doing better, so for that i am grateful to God
My mother who thinks a dog is good for my singleness, suggested that I get another dog, Buddy is pretty old, 12 or 13 but I am now hopeful that he will get better. I am debating the 2nd dog thing.. who knows.
OK I guess I will go to bed.. Oh.. tomorrow I am back to Weight Watchers..ugh..the post cruise weigh in...