I haven't been able so say that about many of my jobs. I have enjoyed this, but I really love this job. But its more than the job, its going into the office, working for great people who care, with whom I have favor, working with interesting people who keep the day fun, meeting new people every day. It's fantastic, great decision - I am thankful to God.
I have been off of blogging lately because I have been soo busy with work and working out and hanging out that I haven't wanted to be bothered. I decided to move around some furniture and I move my computer upstairs and I think it being up here is more condusive to me actually using it.
I have so much to be grateful for..God has been so good. I got a FANTASTIC new car, one of my dreams I have been wanting for almost 7 years. It was pricey but I really love it and I am happy that i got it.
I am debating discussing my "experiment" that I have going now, but I think I will in another blog discuss a hot topic of my girlfriends..men and relationships.
Oh heading to Brazil Sunday..yay..I have been asking everyone and their mother to pray for me..its like 16 hours of travel time. Flight leaves at 3pm and we get to Sau Paulo at 7am the next day..they are either an hour or so behind or a head..not sure. It is fall there and it looks like the weather is similair, which is good, because our weather these last two days has been great.
Finally, I have some vacation lined up for this year - Carribean cruise, but I am seriously thinking of going on a missions trip to Costa Rica with my church. Speaking of which..I have been having those nagging "everyone has family but me" feelings again, I even went crying on Pastor Connie's shoulder, which I might add was NOT my intention..just wanted to share my feelings as I was led by the Lord, then out of nowhere BAM..the waterworks. But you know its all good, I have been really good about being friendly, but I am going to work harder and forming relationships beyond ministry work with some of my church family because its important.
I didn't do such a good job about that today, I went to a ministry social and totally didn't socialize..I got there (late)..brought some cake, ate a slice of pizza, finished watching the movie, helped stack up a chair, grabbed the rest of my cake - that was uneaten and bounced. I think I only even said hi to one person. I'll do better next time.
I will see if time permits blogging in Brazil, but when I get back, I can discuss the "men" topic, Brazil, a fantastic time I had with the ladies from the Helen Wright Center (i absolutely LOVE them - i had the Best time with them last week), and the thorn in my side about not feeling a real sense of family here -although my friends are great (and I love you)!

Hi Sharon
God is Good..... I'm so glad you got your dream car. Sounds like all is well.
And by the way its really good to cry and get it out I wish I could just let it out sometimes.....
Stay happy !!!!
I'm so glad to read that there are so many good things going on in your life. Speaking of crying, I tried to cry a week or so ago and it just wouldn't come out. Do you know how frustrating that was!!!!???!!!
Brazil will be so much fun. I hope you will get to blog while you are there! Please bring me back a souvenir and make sure it's at least 5 foot 10. :).
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