Saturday, August 28, 2010


I have decided to revive my blog as I seem unable to post videos to my you tube channel. I am pretty bummed about my current situation. I have applied for the VSG through Anthem and I was denied on 7.28.10 because they view it as experimental, so I had my doctor do a peer review with the Anthem dr, well that was denied on or around 8.16.10.
I STILL haven't been notified of that denial, although my dr's office said they told them right away it would be. So I took matters into my own hands and decided to write my appeal letter. My dr's office is supposed to also be writing an appeal letter. Mine is 6 pages long. I borrowed if from someone who posted it to their blog on Obesity Help. If it works i will post most of it. Some of it is personal, so i will probably leave those parts out.

My backup plan is to switch to an insurance carrier next year to one who will approve the VSG. So I know ultimately I will get it, but I just have to be patient

Off topic, I decided I am going to stop getting a relaxer because its painful and I mostly wear wigs anyway..I am not doing anything with my hair so this is where we are at. I am going to take pictures. I haven't figured out a way to show my progress that is flattering, because I don't like to post picture were I look